2003-12-20 | 3:39 p.m.

I tend to be a moody, fidgety, and anxious person. Partial genetics, partial excessive coffee drinking. I chew my nails, chew on my lip ,and smoke cigarettes. ( In the summer I pick my scabs too! Oh yes I do!) SO basically let me start over. I tend to be a gross person with bad hygiene and sitting next to me is like sitting next to a monkey.

Well , back to my point .. one of my solutions to this is that I have taken up knitting scarves. THat helps quite a bit. The other thing I do is go to the city exercise course and walk 2 miles a day. Lots of people who live in the Devil's Citadel use this one mile loop to run or jog or walk , it is a picturesque spot with lots of trees and squirrels and it kind of weaves around through these little hills. I usually just pop on my headphones listen to a record and zone out for a half hour. But sometimes I come across another walker who is walking slower than I . And herein lies my dilemna. For some bizarre reason I hate to walk past them. But worse than that I hate tailing them at a slower speed because I don't want to pass them. SO some of my solutions have been to reverse my walk and do the entire loop in the direction I just came. Or today I actually cut through the grass and bypassed the section they were on, so that I was actually ahead of them. I cannot rationally explain what my phobia is. It feels impolite. Kind of like "check me out, I am totally dusting you! haha" Or sometimes they speed up when you walk past them as if to say " let's walk together!" NOOOO way!! I know strangers love to talk to me but damnit the feeling is not mutual.

So everytime I pull up in my car I scan the course for possible trouble makers. I either try to place myself at least half a mile behind them or I make sure to walk the course in the opposite direction as them.

ANd I am glad I could divulge this terrible secret to somebody. Because now that I read it, I feel kind of dumb.

Maybe I can make that my New Year's Resolution#1 Will learn to pass others without guilt!

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older entries:
ACT I - The Spirit of Receiving - 2003-12-31
WALK LIKE A MAN? - 2003-12-20
THE SPELLING BEE - 2003-12-16
LIGHTING A FIRE UNDER MY ... - 2003-12-13