2003-12-16 | 12:40 p.m.

You know those moments in life where you feel incredibly small and unimportant in the grand scheme of things? I just had one of those moments.

OK , once again with the drama?! Actually not really one of those moments at all, a much milder version. More like "hey! what about me?"

My mom sent me an email today and just because she likes to be cute she addresses me with my full name. ( you know first AND middle AND last name, like when you get yelled at for breaking grandma's antique tea set while wrestling with your brother).Anyway, when i replied to her email it did the usual spell check before it sends and GUESS WHAT? My name got spell checked.

I am going to assume that nobody actually thinks my real name is Creepy Louise. But my real first name isn't the most bizarro of all the names out there. Its not an urban myth kind of first name like Orangejello and Lemonjello. However it is unordinary enough that they never have mini license plates with my name at truck stops and such. But c'mon! I got spell checked?! In the vast world of computer technology they can program every word in the Engllish dictionary and then some slang and they think that my name is definitely a misspelled version of some planet or faraway galaxy, OR perhaps the name of some small town just outside of Pittsuburgh.

Perhaps I should have knocked on wood or sent an offering to the spell check gods. Because ironically as I look back over this entry. I could really use their help.

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note me: �

older entries:
ACT I - The Spirit of Receiving - 2003-12-31
WALK LIKE A MAN? - 2003-12-20
THE SPELLING BEE - 2003-12-16
LIGHTING A FIRE UNDER MY ... - 2003-12-13