2003-06-05 | 2:34 p.m.

I think I mentioned this before but many of the businesses in my area are struggling or closing down over the last couple of months. It sucks. Just when my borderline sketchy neighborhood starts getting better then it goes and gets worse.

The only smug goodness I get out of this is that many people are now realizing that maybe ... JUST MAYBE.. I have enough of a clue in business to keep a place afloat for 5 years. ( also I just don't like to lose)

So a girl last night was telling me that the other bar down the street is about to close. So I blurted out that I don't know why the owner doesn't come talk to me. Not like I am a guru. But its almost insulting how they never ask me for advice. I have tons of great ideas that I just know could fly. So here's my dilemna. Since I don't have the money or time to open more places right now then do I share my ideas with these people or do I just keep it to myself. I mean fuck em if they close! right?

But I just don't have 100% cutthroat nature. I want to help. ANd my desire for a thriving community seems almost larger that my desire to get the credit for my concepts. Oh well, I guess I will cross that bridge.. well, you know.


As far as the dating situation that I mentioned in the previous entry. My friend Charlotte mentioned some similar notions about staying away from dating for a little while. So we made a bet for $100. Neither of us can do more than hug a guy or hang out as friends until August 19th. Its only 2 1/2 months. Though I already told her I will probably win because she is an incorrigible flirt. Well, we'll see. In the meantime we are planning some good hiking trips and other extra curricular activities that we feel get pushed to the side when there are dudes in the picture. Oh yeah, its hard to admit that. But unfortunately its true for more women than we care to mention.

I just want to take my life and put it back on the front burner so to speak.

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older entries:
ACT I - The Spirit of Receiving - 2003-12-31
WALK LIKE A MAN? - 2003-12-20
THE SPELLING BEE - 2003-12-16
LIGHTING A FIRE UNDER MY ... - 2003-12-13