2003-10-30 | 11:28 a.m.
Bitch and Moan.. Not a good entry

I just reread my last entry. God that was sooo long ago.

As for the wager, well Charlotte lost the bet three weeks into it. I won it with no problem, which I found rather depressing. When I say no problem I mean no temptation, nobody even trying to make me consider ditching the bet.

Well, that was 2 months ago and Charlotte never did pay up. I think she is also about 3 boys past that one.

You know I was kind of pissed at her when she didn't even last a month . To me it showed a lack of loyalty or commitment. I mean it was only a stupid bet but it changed how I saw her. It made her seem like the kind of girl whose need to fulfill her impulses is greater than anything else.

Well, it was that and one other incident... She developed a crush on some guy that I told her I thought was hot. Back up... I told her this guy was hot like a year ago. SO anyway they become neighbors and have a "thing" for each other. And she tells him she can't date him til she checks with me. Completely selling me out. When all I ever said was I found him attractive. I guess I forgot to mention I thought he was nuts too. So now he comes into the Cafe and acts strangely towards me because he thinks i have some massive crush on him. And to top it all off, she never did date him after all.

But the truth is she thought she was doing the right thing and I guess I should leave it at that...

last entry / next entry

note me: �

older entries:
ACT I - The Spirit of Receiving - 2003-12-31
WALK LIKE A MAN? - 2003-12-20
THE SPELLING BEE - 2003-12-16
LIGHTING A FIRE UNDER MY ... - 2003-12-13